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Chrom: What do you make of that?
Frederick: Mercenaries, from the look. Rival bands squabbling over some petty matter. A common enough sight in these dark times, milord. But, if it comes to bloodletting, the nearby villages will pay for it.
Chrom: Then let's make sure it doesn't.”
Chrom and Frederick

Rival Bands (Mercenary Conflict in the Japanese version) is Paralogue 13 of Fire Emblem: Awakening. The map will appear once Panne has obtained an S support with a male character. 

Paralogue Information

In this paralogue, two forces are fighting each other: the Stonewall Knights and the Riders of Dawn. The player can choose to ally with the Knights, ally with the Riders, or fight both sides. Depending on the player's choice, the opposing force will change. Allying with neither results in greater after-battle rewards, and the ability to visit all 4 villages during the map.

Yarne is allied with the Stonewall Knights, and can be recruited if Chrom or Panne talks to him, regardless of his status as an allied or enemy unit.


There are four villages on the map. Depending on your allegiances, you will receive the following items:

Note: All villages can be visited if the player chose to fight both groups.


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.

Given your options this map can play out in one of three ways. The first two ways are good for those who do not wish to grind levels or do not want to take on a prolonged battle. The last way is excellent for grinding levels and to receive the maximum amount of rewards, although that version is significantly harder.

  1. Aligning with the Stonewall Knights means that you can talk to Yarne quickly without risking the Stonewall Knights from attacking you after you do so. The downside with that is that the Riders of Dawn, who have better movement than the Stonewall Knights, can swarm your army much more easily. The easiest remedy for this is to have Panne with Beastbane equipped or have units with Beast Killers for effective damage. You can receive one from one of the open villages if you desire one and don't have any. Since the Riders of Dawn all start in the forrest, it is best to use that terrain to your advantage as not only will it hinder their movement, it can provide excellent coverage in battle.After taking down the Riders of Dawn, the Stonewall Knights will award Chrom's army with some decent pocket change.
  2. Aligning with the Riders of Dawn makes talking to Yarne slightly harder, since the Stonewall Knights are right next to him. There should not be much trouble getting him away from them as they all mostly have poor movement. Magic units are extremely useful to take them down since they will have low resistance. Armorslayers and Hammers also work nicely to take them down and a village will provide a Hammer if needed. This route is the most straightforward map and you can take them down in a very aggressive manner compared to the caution needed to take down the Riders of Dawn. Upon defeating the Stonewall Knights, the Riders of Dawn will reward Chrom's army with some decent pocket change as well.
  3. Choosing not to align with either army will put you against both armies at the same time. To make matters worse, they will summon reinforcements meaning that there is even more enemies than what was shown in the beginning. You will need to combine the strategies for taking down both armies. Good news is that choosing this option allows you to visit all 4 villages so you can get all the village rewards. As mentioned earlier, use both strategies mentioned earlier and keep a healer for both armies in case they take damage. Completing the map this way will reward Chrom's army with a good amount of money.

Regardless of how the map is done, if Yarne is recruited and survives the map, he'll unlock his C-Supports with Panne, his father, and Morgan if she is his sister.


Recruiting Yarne


  • Panne: "That scent… It smells like… Ho! You there!"
  • Yarne: "Gyah! Wh-what do you want?!"
  • Panne: "You are a taguel."
  • Yarne: "Yeah, well so are— GODS! M-Mother?!"
  • Panne: "Mother?"
  • Yarne: "Gah, you nearly gave me heart failure! I'd given up on EVER finding you! You wouldn't believe how dangerous it is here. All these swords and brigands… Anyway, I've found you. That makes the trip back in time more than worth it."
  • Panne: "So you came with that man-spawn Lucina, did you? Hmm… Explain to me why my son consorts with common thugs?"
  • Yarne: "Huh? H-hey, I didn't have a choice in the matter! You were nowhere to be found, and roaming around alone is a recipe for… extinction. I'd figure I'd be safe if I took up with some strong allies, and so I… Wait, are you angry? Because you look kind of ang—"
  • Panne: "OF COURSE I AM ANGRY! No son of mine will survive by taking the path of the coward! You're coming with me, I'm going to teach you some taguel pride, starting right now!"


  • Chrom: "You there! Hold!"
  • Yarne: "Gyah! D-don't surprise me like that! I could die of heart failure!"
  • Chrom: "…I was standing right in front of you. Ought I have waved first, or would that have been too threatening?"
  • Yarne: "Oh, aren't we the jester! People die from much lesser things you know. It's no laughing matter! What if you scare me and I trip and fall and cut my head open? What then?!"
  • Chrom: "Er…right. Look, if you're so worried about death, maybe you should just surrender. I have no desire to spill unnecessary blood."
  • Yarne: "Wait, surrender is an option?! Wh-why didn't you say so?!"

Previous chapter:
Of Sacred Blood or Disowned by Time
Rival Bands Next chapter:
Shadow in the Sands or Flames on the Blue

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