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Fire Emblem Wiki

“Imbued with dark magic.”
—In-game description, The Sacred Stones

The Runesword is a Magic Sword that concurrently appears in multiple titles across the Fire Emblem Series, starting from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. It is the personal weapon of Narcian in The Binding Blade, the signature weapon of Orson in The Sacred Stones and the main weapon of Bertram in Path of Radiance.

A moderately powerful weapon that allows its wielder to attack foes from afar, this sword also comes with a Nosferatu effect, allowing for the ready absorption of HP with each successful strike of the blade. These strengths are, however, offset by the sword's low Accuracy, a fact that may render its unique HP sapping capabilities useless when it is wielded by a character with low Skill.

In the GBA titles, the Runesword's ranged damage output is determined by not just half of its wielder's Strength, but also the Trinity of Magic. When employed as a melee weapon, however, the physical Weapon Triangle is instead taken into consideration. The sword's incarnation in The Sacred Stones sees it factoring the selected enemy target's Resistance into the damage calculation, as opposed to it originally taking Defense into account.

In Sacred Stones, the only way to attack an opponent critically with the Runesword, is by using Tana, Vanessa and Syrene together, while letting them perform a triangle attack.

In Path of Radiance, the Runesword's status as a magical weapon is finalized, as its damage output is completely determined by its wielder's Magic, instead of his/her Strength.

Weapon Stats[]

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Name Type

Runesword Runesword

Sword Sword

Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt WEx Worth
A 15 12 65% 0% 1-2 11 1 3,300

Drains opponent's HP to user.

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade and Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Name Type

Runesword Runesword

Sword Sword

Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt WEx Worth
A 15 12 65% 0% 1-2 11 1 3,300

Drains opponent's HP to user, is a magic sword in both melee and ranged combat. Cannot inflict critical hits.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Name Type

FE9RuneSword Runesword

FE9 Sword Sword

Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt WEx Worth
A 15 15 65% 0% 1-2 19 2 7,200

Drains HP from an enemy. Does light-based magical damage.

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Name Type

RuneswordFE17Sprite Runesword

FE17 Sword Sword

Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Wt Rng Worth
D 12 65% 0% 11 1-2 100

Engage Weapon. Magic sword of Emblem Hector. Can strike close or at range. Restore HP equal to 50% of damage dealt.

Item Locations[]

Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade[]

Method Location
Inventory Narcian

Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade[]

Method Location
Dropped Hector's Story: Enemy Swordmaster (Ch. 32x)
Treasure Hector's Story: Ch. 32x - Chest

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones[]

Method Location
Dropped (random) Enemy Bonewalkers or Wights encountered in Skirmish, Tower of Valni, and Lagdou Ruins
Treasure Ch. 19 - Chest
Inventory Orson (Creature Campaign)

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Method Location
Dropped Bertram (Ch. 26)

