“After rescuing a young man who claimed he was forced to serve Anankos, the group reaches a series of floating islands linked together by shifting bridges.”
—Opening Narration
—Opening Narration
Seeds of Doubt is Chapter 20 of Fire Emblem Fates in the Revelation Version. This chapter takes place in Floating Isle.
The script for this chapter can be found here.
Dropped Items[]
Chest Items[]
- Waterwheel - lower left
- Wakizashi - upper right, left chest
- Master Seal - left
- Dragonstone+ - upper right, right chest
Characters - Classes - Skills (Personal) - Weapons - Items - Chapters - Voice Actors - Music - Version Differences
Important Weapons
amiibo - Attack Stance - Azura's Pendant - Bond Units - Capture - Child Character - Dragon Vein - Dual System - Einherjar - First Dragons - Forge - Guard Stance - Heirs of Fate - Lost in Thoughts All Alone - My Castle (Mess Hall - Accessory Shop - Lottery Shop - Prison) - Pair Up - Phoenix Mode - Rally - Skills - SpotPass - StreetPass - Unit Logbook
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