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“I thought I recognised you... You look just like my horror of a little brother!”
—Shahid to Claude

Shahid is a character from Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. He is a prince of Almyra, and the half-brother of Khalid. He aspires to conquer the Leicester Alliance, and to use the prestige gained from it to inherit the Almyran throne. He has a vehement hatred for Claude, who reminds him of his brother.


Taking advantage of the internal strife plaguing the Adrestian Empire and the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus to launch an invasion on the Leicester Alliance, Shahid orders Nader to storm Fódlan's Locket in order to advance his claim to the throne. However, the Golden Deer, along with Holst, take up defense of the Locket, and drive off the Almyran invaders, with Claude allowing Shahid to flee in order to avoid provoking further reprisal from Almyra.

Two years later, Shahid tries breaking through the Locket by amassing the largest Almyran army Fódlan had ever seen and overwhelm his opponent through sheer numbers. However, he has no actual plan to follow through if he successfully breached Fódlan's Locket, and in his obsession with revenge, he overlooks the logistical support requirements of such a large force. As a result, his army arrives at the Locket starving and demoralized due to a lack of provisions. Claude, who had anticipated another attack, had previously introduced Nader to Holst. Nader had tried his best to nip Shahid's efforts to restart the war but was unsuccessful, and his disgust with the prince's actions leads to his defection from Shahid's army in the middle of battle. After seeing his army nearly decimated, Shahid tries to flee but is cornered.

When Claude asks him to give up, Shahid says he'd rather die than surrender, throwing his sword at his half-brother in one final attempt to kill him, only for Shez to block the attack. Shez offers to kill Shahid if Claude cannot, but Claude insists that it is his burden to bear before shooting Shahid in the chest with an arrow, knocking him off a cliff.


Shahid is a vain and arrogant man, stylizing himself as 'Shahid the Great', who looks down on the people of Fódlan as barbarians and weak. Driven by his ambition to inherit the Almyran throne, he stages attacks against Fódlan's Locket to prove his worth. This comes to haunt him, as he severely underestimates Fódlan's forces, which causes him to lose both times he invades. Shahid has a particular, personal disdain for his half-brother Khalid, but doesn't appear to ever realize that Khalid and Claude are the same person, only saying that Claude reminds him of his brother.


Warriors: Three Hopes[]

Base Stats[]

The Battle for the Locket[]

Starting ClassCrest
FEW3H Gurgan IconGurgan-
MagicCombat ArtsAbilitiesStarting Items
--Defiant Str FE16Tenacity
Lance Buster Lv 4Lance Buster Lv 4
FE16 Axe Weapon IconDahaka

What Makes a King[]

Choose Your Legends Placement History[]

Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL7 244 CYL Shahid Portrait
Warriors: Three Hopes

CYL8 355
CYL Shahid Portrait
Warriors: Three Hopes


In Arabic, Shahid originates from the Arabic word for 'witness' and 'beloved' in Persian and is also used to denote a martyr in Islam.

The word is mostly used as a posthumous title for those who are considered to have accepted or even consciously sought out their own death in order to bear witness to their beliefs.


See main article: Shahid/Gallery.