Shambhala, the Underground City is a location in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It is the subterranean stronghold of Those Who Slither in the Dark, the remnants of the ancient Agarthans.
Shambhala is the subterranean stronghold of Those Who Slither in the Dark, the descendants of Agartha. The entrance is located in the easternmost mountains of Hrym in the Adrestian Empire.
In contrast to other places in Fódlan, Shambhala appears to be more advanced in technology consisting of neon lights along the pathways and on scriptures. Among the hallways are a series of complex piping systems used for unknown reasons as well as a doorway system that requires a device to open rather than a key. Titanus are also present around the city that act as guards.
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes[]
It is implied that Shez, the protagonist of Three Hopes, was born in Shambhala. Made a vessel of Arval, their birth parents are unknown, but they were raised by a reclusive woman with magical capabilities in a small mountain village in Ordelia territory, which borders Hrym.
Shambhala is an ancient kingdom that is believed to be hidden somewhere in Central Asia. References to the kingdom can be found in both Hindu as well as Tibetan Buddhist literature. It is believed to be a place filled with happiness, peace, and tranquillity.
- Several Cyrillic scripts can be found throughout the walls of Shambhala, referencing the stronghold or the javelins of light. They are written as followed:
- Катакомбы, Russian for "catacombs".
- закрытый город, Russian for "closed/secret city".
- СВЕТИТЬСЯ СВАЯ: Russian for "light/shining piles".