“A special staff that seals all magic for a turn.” —In-game description from New Mystery of the Emblem.
The Silence Staff is a recurring Staff from the Fire Emblem Series. Depending on the game in question, this staff allows its user to either inflict the Silence condition upon a selected enemy unit or all enemy units on the current battlefield. In doing so, the enemy unit(s) in question will be effectively sealed from employing both the arcanes and staves for a fixed number of turns.
Inflicts the Silence condition upon a selected enemy unit if their Magic is lower than the user's; Does not work on enemy units positioned on Thrones or Gates. Provides 30 EXP to the user.
Inflicts the Silence condition upon a selected enemy unit; Provides 30 EXP to the user. Equip Effect: Allows its user to recover from the Silence effect.
Astaroth Rod - Aymur - Caduceus - Demon's Rod - Exodus - Death Rod - Heidhrun - Indra's Thunder - Iron Rod - Lilith Rod - Lorelei - Spell Rod - Silver Rod - Sha Na Ra - Sharur - Vajra - Yagrush - Yggdrasil Rod