The Sonic Sword is a Magic Sword that exclusively appears in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. In a manner reminiscent to the Wind Sword, this sword is infused with magical energies of a Wind-based nature. This in turn allows its wielder to engage in ranged combat, specifically by means of him/her summoning the arcane energies contained within the blade in order to cast a Wind spell upon selected enemy targets.
In this regard, the Sonic Sword is one of few magic weapons made available in Path of Radiance, weapons that stipulate their wielders' Magic as a staple stat in determining the potency of their resultant attacks, as opposed to the conventional harnessing of the Strength stat to do so. The magical nature of such weapons is further elucidated by the fact that the selected targets' Resistance, and not their Defense, is considered in computing the total amount of damage that the wielder is capable of inflicting. To this end, it is thus advisable for the player to equip such weapons on characters like Mist and Elincia, as they, despite functioning primarily as physical units, sport high Magic growths that are oft either limited to being channelled through the art of healing or rendered obsolete.
Other weapons affiliated to such an ilk include the Flame Lance and the Bolt Axe.
Weapon Stats[]
Name | Type | |||||||
Rank | Uses | Mt | Hit | Crt | Rng | Wt | WEx | Worth |
B | 25 | 10 | 70% | 0% | 1-2 | 9 | 1 | 5,500 |
Effect | ||||||||
Does Wind-based magical damage; Effective against flying units. |
Item Location[]
Method | Location |
Inventory | Tanith |