The Fell Dragon Sombron is the tenth chapter of Fire Emblem Engage.
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The army arrives at the cathedral as Hortensia worries about Ivy's fate. Marth is concerned about what's ahead but Alear pushes forward with Alfred, Alcryst and Diamant. They arrive too late as Morion has become a corrupted soldier. Diamant is hesitant but is determined to put the monster inhabiting his father's body down. Once Hyacinth's army falls, Diamant is ready to kill the evil king. However he is stopped by the attacker from Lythos Castle. She's revealed to be Veyle as Sombron arrives. Sombron then devours Hyacinth to Hortensia's shock. Veyle pushes her down and introduces the Four Hounds to the army. During their introduction, Veyle steals the Draconic Time Crystal and uses it to steal the emblem rings. Sombron then fills the emblem rings with his power and fills them with his essence, turning them against the army. Vander calls for a retreat as Alear is distraught over the loss.
*WARNING!!!* Emblem Marth will warn the player prior to starting this chapter that this will be the last opportunity to stock up on supplies for the upcoming battle. The player will not be able to access the Somniel until the start of the twelfth chapter.
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The player will lose access to all six Emblem rings they currently have at the end of this chapter, most of which will not be seen again until at least Chapter 17 and the succeeding chapters afterwards. If there are any remaining skills the player wishes to obtain for their units from these Rings as well as forge any Bond Rings of these units, this will be the last opportunity until the rings are recovered.
- Chests
- Drop
- Hyacinth (Equipped with the Ring of the Lady of the Plains)
- Corrupted Morion
- Hortensia (Equipped with the Ring of the Instructor)
- Rosado
- Goldmary
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Roster Strategy[]
"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"
This is the last chapter to forge any remaining Bond Rings of the current six Emblem Rings in the player's possession due to the fact that they will be lost at the end of the chapter. Eventually they will be recovered, but not all at once:
- Chapter 17 - Ring of the Sage Lord and Ring of the Holy Knight
- Chapter 19 - Ring of the Dawn Maiden and Ring of the Young Lion
- Chapter 20 - Ring of the Caring Princess
- Chapter 22 - Ring of the Hero-King