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The Mad King's War took place near the year 646 in the continent of Tellius. It's events are told in entirety in [Path of Radiance]. It begins with Daein invading Crimea. The conquering of Melior sets off a huge chain of events, which ends up the hidden princess of Crimea, Elincia, to ask for Begnion's aid in the war. After the restoration of the Serenes Forest, Begnion's empress Sanaki lends as many troops as she can to Crimea. Crimea then starts marching towards the Daein Keep. They fight their way through Tor Garen and Talrega, on their way to the Daein capital. When there, they discover the Mad King Ashnard has forsaken the Daein capital, and moved to Crimea Castle. The Crimean Army then marches back to their homeland, and with the help of the Laguz forces of Gallia, Phoenicis and Kilvas, plus reinforcements sent by Begnion's prime minister Sephiran, the hero Ike defeats Ashnard, thus ending the war.
