—Opening Narration
The Rose-Colored River is the sixteenth chapter of the Azure Moon route, accessed when Byleth chooses the Blue Lions house.
Rodrigue recounts to Byleth how his elder son Glenn was slain in the Tragedy of Duscur and how nothing can bring back the dead. Lamenting how the dead never truly let go of their grip on the living, Rodrigue implores Byleth to rein Dimitri's manic desire for revenge in. With the blessing of Claude and House Riegan, the nascent Faerghus army marches to seize control of the Great Bridge of Myrddin from Imperial forces.
On the way, Dimitri declares his intent to wipe out the entire Imperial garrison, to Byleth's continued concern. Dimitri scolds Byleth, bringing up Jeralt's death and asking them to either confirm or deny they too sought revenge for his murder. If Byleth does deny it, Dimitri will continue to scold. them Byleth does admit it, Dimitri will say that it was precisely his point and they were both the same. Felix berates Dimitri for continuing to add to the body count, but Dimitri refuses to listen.
The Kingdom army engages the Imperial army and successfully conquers the bridge and kills General Ladislava and Ferdinand (if he was not recruited).
Early in the battle, if Byleth helped peacefully suppress a rebellion in Duscur five years prior, Dedue unexpectedly reinforces them. He explains that after he was presumed dead in Fhirdiad, he was rescued by his brethren and nursed back to health, and has been waiting for the opportunity to rejoin Dimitri. Dimitri orders him never to throw his life away again.
After the battle, a somewhat unnerved Dimitri convinces himself that the men he killed were just monsters masquerading as humans. Fleche approaches the group in the guise of an ordinary maiden and asks to the Kingdom army in order to avenge her brother; Dimitri, unaware that she is Randolph's sister, accedes to her request.
Monastery Quests[]
Optional Quests[]
- Taking Care of Business (from Gilbert)
- Anna's Heirloom (DLC)
Initial enemies[]
- Ladislava
- Ferdinand
- 2/3x Demonic Beast (Normal/Hard and Maddening)
- 4/5x Fortress Knight (Normal/Hard and Maddening)
- 1x Brigand
- 2x Cavalier
- 3x Paladin
- 3/5x Armored Knight (Normal/Hard and Maddening)
- 1x Dark Mage
- 1x Mage
- 1x Priest
- 2x Archer (Hard and Maddening only)
- 2x Sniper (Maddening only)
After turn 2 or the player's units get close enough to the fortress. Appears near the player's starting position
- Acheron
- 3x Armored Knights
- 2x Paladins
Fortress reinforcements
When approaching Ferdinand / Paladin
- 1x Archer on the ballista, arrives same turn as the first fortress reinforcement
- 1x Paladin by Ladislava, arrives every other turn (sooner on Hard and Maddening)
Dedue will only rejoin if War for the Weak was completed before the end of Chapter 12. Otherwise, he remains unplayable.
If Lorenz was recruited before the end of Chapter 12, he can be re-recruited here by defeating him with any unit, then choosing to spare him - in this case, he will join at the end of the chapter. If Lorenz is killed during the academy phase in classic mode, his generic replacement will show up instead, losing the opportunity to re-recruit him. On new game plus, even if the support levels between Byleth and Lorenz are maxed out and Lorenz isn't recruited before the end of chapter 12, he will die in this chapter.
- Aurora Shield - Carried by Ladislava, must be stolen
- Master Seal - Carried by Ferdinand (or his replacement) and Lorenz, must be stolen
- Evasion Ring - Carried by Acheron, must be stolen
- Critical Ring - Northwest Chest
- Talisman - Southeast Chest
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Ladislava carries the Aurora Shield, a unique shield that has powerful defensive capabilities, so bringing someone with the Steal ability is useful. The paladin to the north-west also has a Master Seal that can be stolen.
The early groups of enemies can be easily dispatched, but a stronghold to the south of the initial position spawns enemy units. Killing the four units that start the chapter surrounding it stops reinforcements. More reinforcements also spawn from time to time to Ladislava's west. Upon approaching the stronghold, the Duke of Acheron and some enemies spawn to the north of it. Thankfully, it does not count as an ambush spawn so the player has a turn to mount a counterattack.
To the west of the stronghold lies Ladislava and a significant number of enemy units, including three demonic beasts. The demonic beasts patrol the area in a tight circle and only attack when a unit moves much closer to them than their attack range.