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(Dining Hall)
A woman after my own heart.

Catherine: I'd heard of the Hero of Daphnel, but that was the first time I've met her in person.
She's the head of a prestigious noble family? Just like Claude. The Alliance nobility is so... odd.
Byleth: Choice 1: You don't think she acts like a noble?
Choice 2: Is it different in the Kingdom and Empire? (Relationship up)
Catherine: Kind of, but I don't mean that in a bad way. You won't find such big-hearted nobles elsewhere.
Plus, Judith can drink with the best of 'em! A woman after my own heart.


(Reception Hall)
If our plan succeeds...

Claude: If our plan succeeds, we'll arrive at the Great Bridge of Myrddin unscathed. The important part is what happens next.
We're evenly matched in terms of military power, more or less, so if we can just launch a surprise attack...
Byleth: Choice 1: We have the advantage.
Choice 2: It could go either way. (Relationship up)
Choice 3: We'll still be at a disadvantage.
Claude: Response 1: I wouldn't be so sure. That bridge is almost like a fortress. The defense there is rock solid.
Response 2: Agreed. The bridge is basically a fortress, so the defense will be rock solid.
Response 3: I'll give you that the bridge is basically a fortress. I wouldn't say we're at a loss, but we certainly shouldn't rest easy.
But that's why you're here, Teach! No matter the odds, you're the wild card we need to win!


(Third Floor)
Why'd they take Lady Rhea?

Cyril: Is it true Lady Rhea was dragged off by the Imperial army? I heard that was true.
Why'd they take Lady Rhea? Professor... they didn't take her to kill her, did they?
Byleth: Choice 1: I don't think so.
Choice 2: They probably haven't killed her.
Cyril: Response 1: That's good. We just gotta beat the Imperial army and get her back, right?
Response 2: Yeah, good point. If they did, we'd have heard about it by now.
You gotta help her, Professor. I'm begging ya.


(Knight's Hall)
How unsettling.

Felix: We can predict what the Empire will do. Faerghus is our real problem.
The eastern lords have joined forces and are warring with the Dukedom.
But I've heard nothing about that conflict as of late. It's strange.
I haven't heard much from my father either. I can't help but find this silence unsettling...


She reminds me of... much

Flayn: Judith is a wonderful person. So strong and confident, as well.
Looking upon her, I am sharply reminded of my mother.
Byleth: Choice 1: Does she look similar?
Choice 2: Does she act similar? (Relationship up)
Flayn: Response 1: Not in the slightest. Rather, it is her way of being - her demeanor. Brilliantly bright and positive, like a warm ray of light.
Response 2: Very much so! Both brilliantly bright and positive, like a warm ray of light.
I... lost my mother, long ago. I miss her desperately.


(Second Floor)
Most intriguing...

Hanneman: The battle at Ailell was a tactical marvel. You grow stronger with each passing day.
Where does your talent end and your Crest's power begin? Are they one and the same, I wonder?
Most intriguing. Yet it is quite difficult to draw useful conclusions, given the situation.
It is quite unfortunate I did not achieve my research goals before the war broke out. So much unknown.
Now, I fear I will not have those answers even by conflict's end. So very frustrating.


(Entrance Hall)

Hilda: It looks like people are slowly starting to come back to the town.
I guess they feel safe now that you and the Knights of Seiros have returned.
Peddlers have become more common too, so there'll be food and supplies available.
After being run-down for all those years, it's really becoming livable again!


Next stop, the Great Bridge of Myrddin!

Ignatz: The Great Bride of Myrddin isn'tj ust a bridge. It has the features of a fortress.
I believe it was built for military purposes by the first leader of the Adrestian Empire.
In other words, it's even older than the monastery.
So if we occupy the Great Bridge, we'll have to search it from top to bottom.


(Officer's Academy)
There's something about him...

Judith: I don't know where he recruited that man, but Claude's got an eye for great talent.
I'm talking about his retainer, Nardel.
I've only spoken with him briefly, but he seems to have a fair amount of both brains and brawn, with the skills to match.
But there's something about him I can't quite place... Like I've somehow heard of him before...


(Officers Academy)
Hah... She talks to Claude like a little kid

Leonie: Things have gotten a lot more interesting since we've joined up with Judith, haven't they?
Anyone who casually treats Claude like he's just some kid is not a person to be trifled with.
I think Captain Jeralt would have liked her.
I hope someday I can be as strong, kind, and levelheaded as her.



Lorenz: I would like to believe that I have always made my own decisions.
Even so, I cannot deny that some small part of me has always been aware of my father's wishes.
Now, here I am. Concealing our plan - Claude's plan - from his sight.
Byleth: Choice 1: Are you having second thoughts?
Choice 2: You're not reluctant, though, are you? (Relationship up)
Lorenz: Response 1: No. The strategy is sound, and I've consented to it.
Response 2: Quite the contrary, honestly. I feel as though a fog has finally lifted from my eyes.
In this fight, I will finally stand upon my own two feet, independent of my father's influence.


(Dormitory - 2F)

Lysithea: I'm sure you know this already, but House Ordelia is aligned with the Empire.
They face the Empire from across the river, similar to the Gloucesters.
Even so, I refuse to yield to the Empire a second time.
The Empire did unthinkable things to my family. And to me.
The only option here is winning. Professor, you must promise we will overcome the Empire.


(Second Floor)
Need something, Professor?

Manuela: Oh, hello there, Professor. Did you need something from me?
It doesn't look like you're wounded or anything. You just looking for... someone to talk to?
Byleth: Choice 1: Yes. (Relationship up)
Choice 2: No.
Manuela: Response 1: I thought so. Well, I'm here for you! Making you feel better is my top priority.
Response 2: Come on now, you don't have to be shy. Helping you feel better is important to me.
Whether it's physical pain or worries of the heart, you can come to me for anything, Professor.


Pillars of light...

Marianne: Legend says that pillars of light fell and ravaged Ailell. I was reminded of that when I saw it...
Um, Professor? Do you think those legends are true?
Byleth: Choice 1: It's likely.
Choice 2: Yes, and it'll likely happen again. (Relationship up)
Marianne: Response 1: I think so too. I don't know if the goddess really destroyed the valley out of anger, but...
Response 2: Oh! I suppose you may be right. There's no way to be sure it won't...
There's still so many things we don't understand in this world.


(Dining Hall)
I feel great!

Raphael: Thanks to all that food from Judith, I'm full for once!
I've got so much energy! Let me at that Great Bridge of Myrddin! I'll bust it down myself!
Oh, but then how do we cross?


(Second Floor)
We must defeat the Imperial army.

Seteth: If Rhea really is in the Empire, then we must defeat the Imperial army by any means necessary.
The people at large are just as concerned for Rhea's safety as we are.
The sooner we can settle all our unease, the better.


(Reception Hall)
She shouldn't be taken lightly.

Shamir: Five years ago, when the Imperial army attacked Garreg Mach, they moved with incredible speed.
But in the middle of all that chaos, she still had operatives watching.
The Hero of Daphnel's spy network is impressive. She shouldn't be taken lightly.


I'm so curious...

Gatekeeper: Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report!
I was talking to some of the Daphnel soldiers earlier, and it seems that Judith has a weakness.
But they wouldn't tell me what it is! I got the feeling they didn't appreciate the question. Pardon me for being curious!
That said, maybe keep this to yourself. Not that she terrifies me to my soul, but I'd hate to get on her bad side...

Knight of Seiros

(Reception Hall)
Year'll be done before we know it...

Knight of Seiros: Year 1185 is almost over. From next month on, it will be the year 1186...
It's just a date, of course, but it feels significant. I hope next year is a great one.


(Dormitory - 1F) Can we trust you?

Soldier: We came from the territory of House Daphnel. It's not easy to leave one's home, but it had to be done.
Judith asked us so earnestly, there was no way we could have refused.
We can trust you, right? I'd hate to end up just another pointless death...


North of the bridge is...

Soldier: On the north side of the Great Bridge of Myrddin lies the territory of Acheron of the Alliance, and to the south, the Empire's Bergliez territory.
Count Bergliez has held the position of Minister of Military Affairs for the Empire ever since the days of Emperor Ionius.
The current emperor seems to have brought the corrupt nobility to heel, but Count Bergliez looks to be an exception.


It's nice to be back.

Merchant: I've been away from Garreg Mach for a while, but I came back when I heard the rumors of what you were doing.
The scars from five years ago may still be raw, but it's nice to be back.
Anyway, I'm going to start up business here again, so I look forward to your patronage!


We have to do all we can...

Monk: Hearing that the Knights of Seiros have returned, the monks have also been coming back.
We still don't have enough hands here, but we'll use all that we've got to rebuild the monastery.
Until the day that Lady Rhea is returned to us, we have to do all we can...


Supply Run

Bulletin Board
  • Hilda: We need more resources around here. Please help!
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Taking Care of Business

Bulletin Board
  • Hilda: Looking for folks ready and willing to help keep our traveling merchants safe.
View Quest
  • Hilda: There's a lot more merchant activity lately, isn't there? This area's still pretty unsafe, though. We should do something about it, before something bad happens.
Quest Complete
  • Hilda: