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Fire Emblem Wiki
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“For Gotoh to create the magic that could defeat Gharnef, he needed two orbs: the Lightsphere and the Starsphere. Marth and company set off to Chiasmir and the Fane of Raman to find them, but in their path stood a cohort of Grustian knights known as the Sable Order. The bridges across the strait would soon be choked with the brave and the dead...”
—Opening Narration

The Sable Order is Chapter 18 of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon.

This chapter was cut from Book 1 of Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem. There is an Arena which you can use to level up your units.

Enemy Reinforcements[]

From left to right; A Paladin, two Cavaliers and a Horseman appear at the Forts in the southwest corner on Turns 8, 10, 12 and 14 of the Enemy Phase. A Paladin appears in the fortress between the two bridges on Turns 14, 16, and 18 of the Enemy Phase.


Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light[]

Armory 1[]

Items Price
Armorslayer 760
Rapier 900
Killing Edge 1250
Ridersbane 820
Silver Lance 1800
Steel Bow 560
Silver Bow 2200

Armory 2[]

Items Price
Iron Sword 320
Steel Sword 500
Armorslayer 760
Rapier 900
Killing Edge 1250
Levin Sword 1600
Silver Sword 2000

Vendor 1[]

Items Price
Vulnerary 600
Mend 1200
Recover 1550
Blizzard 700
Elfire 1250
Bolganone 1600

Vendor 2[]

Items Price
Fire 300
Thunder 460
Blizzard 700
Elfire 1250
Bolganone 1600

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon[]

Armory 1[]

Items Price
Silver Sword 2000
Levin Sword 1600
Armorslayer 1000
Rapier 1120
Ridersbane 1200

Armory 2[]

Items Price
Steel Sword 875
Steel Lance 980
Silver Lance 1100
Steel Axe 700
Steel Bow 770
Silver Bow 1050

Vendor 1[]

Items Price
Fire 300
Thunder 420
Blizzard 690
Elfire 1260
Bolganone 1690

Vendor 2[]

Items Price
Mend 1200
Recover 1690
Vulnerary 360
Pure Water 600


Est, though appears as an enemy, she will not attack you; rather, she will head straight for Marth to speak with him. She will appear from the west on Turn 6.

