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“Rhea relates a tale describing a sacred artifact said to have been locked away centuries ago. Hearing this, the most loyal members of the church make ready to retrieve it.”
—Mission description

The Saints' Forge is a paralogue chapter for Seteth and Flayn in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. It is exclusive to the Azure Gleam story route, and is available from Chapter 9.


Initial Enemies[]

On the Field[]

  • Sniper x5
  • Warrior x4
  • Paladin x4

In Strongholds[]

  • Sniper (at the western Cavern Crossroads)
  • Sniper (in the Middle Cavern)
  • Warrior (at the northern Cavern Crossroads)
  • Warrior (in the Mountainside Clearing)
  • Warrior (at the Forked Cavern Road)
  • Warrior (at the Cavern Entrance)
  • Warrior (on the Foothills)
  • Paladin (on the Mountain Trailhead)
  • Paladin (on the Mountain Ascent)

Initial Allies[]

Enemy Reinforcements[]


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