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Fire Emblem Wiki

“Roy ventured deep inside the Temple of Seals. Apparently, there was something else hidden there other than The Binding Blade. However, Pereth, one of Murdock's best lieutenants, was already inside the temple and waiting to ambush Roy.”
—Opening Narration

The Silencing Darkness is Chapter 21x of Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade. It is playable if Chapter 21 is cleared within 30 turns with both Melady and Zeiss alive and recruited. Upon clearing this chapter, the S-ranked darkness tome Apocalypse is acquired.

Initial Forces[]

Class Level Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5
Mercenary 20 Steel Sword
Mercenary 20 Steel Sword
Mercenary 20 Steel Sword
Mercenary 19 Steel Sword
Mercenary 18 Steel Sword
Mercenary 18 Steel Sword
Mercenary 20 Lancereaver
Mercenary 20 Lancereaver
Mercenary 19 Light Brand
Hero 10 Brave Sword Vulnerary
Hero 10 Brave Sword
Hero 10 Silver Sword Vulnerary
Hero 10 Silver Sword
Hero 10 Silver Sword
Hero 12 Armorslayer
Shaman 18 Nosferatu
Shaman 18 Nosferatu
Shaman 19 Fenrir
Shaman 19 Fenrir
Shaman 19 Flux
Druid 6 Nosferatu
Druid 10 Fenrir
Druid 8 Silence Fenrir Physic
Druid 10 Fenrir Physic
Druid 10 Fenrir Physic
Sniper 8 Silver Bow
Sniper 8 Silver Bow
Sniper 7 Steel Bow
Sniper 7 Steel Bow
Sniper 7 Steel Bow
Sniper 7 Steel Bow
Sniper 7 Steel Bow
Sniper 6 Steel Bow
Sniper 10 Killer Bow
Archer 19 Steel Bow
Knight 19 Steel Lance Javelin
Knight 19 Steel Lance Javelin
Knight 19 Axereaver Javelin
Knight 19 Axereaver Javelin
General 12 Silver Lance Hand Axe
General 12 Silver Lance Hand Axe
General 10 Silver Lance Hand Axe
General 12 Horseslayer Hand Axe
Berserker 10 Devil Axe Hand Axe
Druid (Pereth) 17 Nosferatu
  • Cells with a green background mark items that can be stolen


  • This map is a Fog of War map.
  • There are trap tiles scattered about that will inflict a flat 10 damage on a player unit that steps on them. If a Thief steps on these tiles first, they will be harmlessly deactivated.
  • There are some spike traps in the walls that will inflict damage based on the unit's defense. The might of these is 10, so they are not much to worry about, as most units should have more than 10 defense by now. Mages might take some damage, but most units will be unaffected.
  • Some of the treasures are traps, and will spawn a Manakete if opened. The other three chests that are not traps contain Elixirs. The location of the chest contents vary; they could be determined pre-game or decided with Random Number Generation.
  • There is a Druid in the center of the map who carries a Silence staff and will try to use it on your mages as you approach.
  • There are several Druids carrying Fenrir, a powerful Dark tome. Their attacks are best avoided.
  • Roy will change class after obtaining The Binding Blade

The boss of this chapter is Pereth, a Level 17 Druid. He is best taken out with someone who can avoid his Nosferatu or resist it enough that it will not restore his HP faster than you damage him. If you have a well-trained pegasus or bishop unit, he should go down fairly easily.
