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Preparation:Reception Hall,Daytime

Dimitri: Thank you. you may leave now.



(vs Anyone)

  • Hanneman: For the sake of Edelgard, I shall take the liberty of helping.

(vs Byleth)

  • Hanneman: In the end, I may not have gleaned your secret. Yet, even if I die, someone will follow my work, and another after that. Such is the way of scholarship.

(upon defeat)

  • Hanneman: If I die for this new Empire...then I have no...regrets.
  • Dimitri: Professor Hanneman... That should take care of the traps.


(vs Anyone)

  • Manuela: I'd hate to kill someone I know...but I have no choice.

(vs Byleth)

  • Manuela: Oh dear, Professor. Fate can be so cruel. Spilling the blood of your students with your own hands... How can you carry on after that?

(vs Dimitri)

  • Manuela: You've grown into a fine, handsome man, Dimitri. Bit of a shame you've also become a violent beast. Men like you make the Silver Maiden cry.
  • Dimitri: Oh? I suppose it is a shame, Professor Manuela. Perhaps I should have appeared before you holding a bouquet of flowers, rather than the weapon that will end your life.

(upon defeat)

  • Manuela: So, the Silver Maiden...will be my last stage? Heh... You know, that's...that's not too bad.
  • Dimitri: Professor Manuela... At least we have stopped the reinforcements.


(vs Anyone)

  • Hubert: Arianrhod is a crucial asset to the Empire. You will not pry it from our grasp.

(vs Byleth)

  • Hubert: First Gronder Field, and now here. You certainly have a talent for getting in our way.

(upon defeat)

  • Hubert: That's as far as I go . . . I'll withdraw . . . for now.

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