Three Houses is the second chapter of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. The player selects one of three houses to join and gains new units accordingly, but only a few of them, including the selected house's leader, can be deployed on the map. The plot diverges into each house's main storyline after this chapter.
Shez is invited to study at the Officers Academy after saving Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude from Kostas' bandits. After joining one of the three houses, their first mission is to subdue the remaining bandits, who have fled to a fortress along the Adrestia-Faerghus border. All is not as it seems, however, as they find a missing Officers Academy student in the fortress' dungeon, and a group of mysterious mages give chase as they attempt to escort the girl to safety. Kronya, the leader of the group of mages, attempts to stop them first by herself and then with a Wild Demonic Beast, but she is foiled at each turn and forced to retreat.
Alois and the Knights of Seiros arrive to assess the situation, and the girl (Monica) identifies her kidnapper as Tomas, the academy's librarian.
After Shez chooses one of the three houses in which to enroll at the academy, eight students from their chosen house are automatically added as playable characters:
- Black Eagles - Edelgard, Hubert, Dorothea, Ferdinand, Bernadetta, Caspar, Petra, and Linhardt
- Blue Lions - Dimitri, Dedue, Felix, Mercedes, Ashe, Annette, Sylvain, and Ingrid
- Golden Deer - Claude, Lorenz, Hilda, Raphael, Lysithea, Ignatz, Marianne, and Leonie
Only Shez and a few of their new classmates can be used for this mission, and they are automatically deployed for the battle and cannot be swapped out under normal circumstances. This restriction is lifted when replaying the mission with the Record Keeper.
- Black Eagles - Edelgard, Hubert, and Ferdinand
- Blue Lions - Dimitri, Dedue, and Ashe
- Golden Deer - Claude, Lorenz, and Hilda
Initial Enemies[]
On the Field[]
In Strongholds[]
- Fighter (at the Fortress Main Gates)
- Soldier (at the Guardhouse)
- Soldier (at the Chapel)
- Myrmidon (at the Plaza)
- Myrmidon (at the Command Post)
- Myrmidon (in the Dungeon)
Initial Allies[]
Enemy Reinforcements[]
After the treasure chest is discovered[]
- Thief (holds Chest Key)
After Monica is rescued from the dungeon[]
- The Mysterious Mages faction appears and seizes the Guardhouse, Chapel, and Plaza, and occupies a new stronghold in the Kitchen.
- Dark Mage x3
- Thief (will attempt to escape to the southeast corner of the map)
After Monica reaches the center of the map[]
- Kronya (Boss)
- Wild Demon Beast (appears after Kronya is defeated)
Allied Reinforcements[]
- Monica (after seizing the Dungeon; joins automatically in Chapter 3 if Shez joined the Black Eagles)
- Leather Shield - Found in the treasure chest in the Chapel
- Venin Edge - Dropped by Kronya
- Premium Magic Herbs - S-rank reward
- Bullion - Reward for clearing the chapter for the first time
- If the player selected the Black Eagles as their house of choice, Edelgard will recognize the captured Officers Academy student as Monica, who will join as a playable character at the start of the next chapter. If not, then Monica's name will be rendered as "???" until the end of the mission when she formally introduces herself.
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