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With Male Avatar

With Female Avatar

With Lucina

With Say'ri

With Anna

C Support

  • Anna: Hmmmmmmm... I see...
  • Tiki: Hmm?
  • Anna: Interesting... Veeery interesting...
  • Tiki: Is there aught I might aid you with, my lady? You've been circling 'round my person for some time now.
  • Anna: Apologies, O exalted one! I'm just basking in the glow of the divine dragon's oracle.
  • Tiki: I am unused to such...rapt attention. You stare at me as one might an exotic creature in a menagerie.
  • Anna: I would call anyone who's been alive for millennia exotic! Wouldn't you?
  • Tiki: My life span should not preclude you from treating me as an ally or friend. For I came here in that capacity, and not as that of oracle.
  • Anna: Then can I get your autograph as a token of our new friendship?
  • Tiki: My...autograph?
  • Anna: Yeah, it's easy! All you have to do is write down your own name.
  • Tiki: I suppose I might grant such a request.
  • Anna: Really? Yay! Here, this should be enough to get you started. Heave...HO!
  • Tiki: By the gods! I've never seen such a mountain of paper! You didn't mention needing more than a single...autograph.
  • Anna: Yeah, but I never said I didn't, either! Come on, be a sport! Pleeease?
  • Tiki: Well, I suppose I did give my word.
  • Anna: Woo! You're the best, Tiki! I have nothing but the deepest admiration for you! Pleasure doing business with ya! ...Heh heh heh.
  • Tiki: ...Business? Strange. The word stirs memories of a merchant I knew long ago. And yet, with uncountable years behind me, memory is oft a kind of fog through which--
  • Anna: Hey, come on, now! Less talking, more signing! Chop-chop!
  • Tiki: ......

B Support

  • Anna: Wheee-ha! Business is booming! Thank goodness for pious patrons! The question now is how to keep this growth up... Methinks it's time to stoke the flames of prophet fever! Wheee hee hee hee!
  • Tiki: I o'erheard you speaking of the prophets just now. Is this the explanation for your most blissful demeanor?
  • Anna: T-Tiki?!! I didn't say "prophets." I"profits"! And I'm just happy because the last few battles have gone so well! Tee hee! Hee hee! Haaaa...
  • Tiki: Your mirth is well founded, and yet we can ill afford complacency. This war is still far from ended. And we mustn't forget that our victories come at the cost of others' lives. Though our causes differ, they still have families, hopes, dreams, and fears.
  • Anna: ...Except for the Risen. Those guys are just creepy. Oh, wait! I've got a great idea!
  • Tiki: Speak it, then.
  • Anna: You should give a speech praising the virtues of peace and brotherhood! What good is a Voice if she's muted, eh? Let's put those vocal chords to use!
  • Tiki: I'm not so arrogant as to think it's my station to lecture others. I'm merely a woman who has lived longer than most.
  • Anna: Yeah, but being all super old gives you wisdom and stuff! You can do a good thing here! The audience would be moved by your words. You could remind them why they fight -- to achieve lasting peace for friend AND foe.
  • Tiki: Perhaps there is wisdom in what you say...
  • Anna: Do it for their sake! Even just once!
  • Tiki: Your passion has convinced me. I shall attempt to gather my thoughts into words.
  • Anna: Perfect! I knew I could count on you! We'll call it "Talkin' with Tiki"! Attendance could be in the thousands, so we'll need a big venue... And space for a commerorative gift shop at every exit! Tee hee hee!
  • Tiki: Anna, I do not wish for this to become an event of such magnitude. I don't even know what I plan to say yet.
  • Anna: Oh, don't worry. I'll have my people whip up a script for you. Ooh! And we can have a VIP meet and greet after the speech! It'll be huge! Teeee hee hee hee hee!
  • Tiki: Gods give me strength...

A Support

  • Anna: Wow, nobody draws a crowd like Tiki. Talk about star power! I've known kings that would kill for that kind of adoring public! The speech was a sellout AND I unloaded my enitre stock of Tiki memorabilia. Somebody pinch me! I must be dreaming!
  • Tiki: I volunteer for that duty.
  • Anna: Tiki?! Ha ha... You're as quiet and sneaky as ever! Hee hee! ...Hee? Wh-what's up with the scary face?
  • Tiki: Is there aught you would like to tell me, Anna?
  • Anna: You mean other AWESOME you are?!
  • Tiki: I hear you charged admission to my speech on the unending power of good. Additionally, it seems you are hawking my signature like a common market trinket.
  • Anna: W-well, common market trinkets usually don't sell for 50 gold a pop! ...R-right? Look, come on! There was DEMAND, Tiki! The people just want to be a part of you! You get to spread your message, they get hope for the future, and I get a little coin! ...Er, or a lot of coin.
  • Tiki: If your actions were so altruistic, there was no need to hide them from me. Yet even now, I see the shame of your deeds writ upon your face.
  • Anna: But wait! Wait! I didn't do it for my own personal gain, I swear!
  • Tiki: Such deceit only compounds your folly.
  • Anna: T-Tiki? Wh-why are you pulling out a Dragonstone?!
  • Tiki: To teach you that deceiving an oracle bears a hefty price. Now still your lying tongue and prepare to be eaten.
  • Anna: Aaaah, WAIT! You've got me all wrong! I, uh... I'm donating the proceeds! Yeah, that's it! To charities! Shanty Pete's Orphanage gets some, and so does, um...the Widows of Gangrel! Oh, and I'm giving a big hunk to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Wyverns!
  • Tiki: ...You were planning to give your profits away?
  • Anna: Of course! What sort of greedy monster do you take me for? That's rhetorical, by the way, so don't actually answer.
  • Tiki: I have doubts as to this tale. Were you truly planning nothing more?
  • Anna: Wh-what, you mean like an unauthorized Tiki tell-all biography? Or, uh, selling locks of your hair and small bits of your clothing? Ha ha! O-of course not! Why, I'd never even consider such...things.
  • Tiki: ...... Very well. I shall forgive you this once. But any events in the future will be open to all regardless of status or wealth. And you will give me every coin you have so far earned in my name. I shall see if I can't return them to their former owners personally.
  • Anna: Oh, come on! You're killing me here!
  • Tiki: You are free, of course, to decline. In which case you may pursue a new career opportunity in food services.
  • Anna: Here! Take it! Take the money!
  • Tiki: I am so glad you understand.
  • Anna: I understand you're a job-killing socialist...
  • Tiki: What was that?
  • Anna: N-nothing! Pleasure doing business!
  • Tiki: You know, Anna, a saleswoman like you could achieve true greatness. You should consider that the next time avarice tempts you.
  • Anna: Oh, I will, Tiki. You can count on it! Wheeew! That was close! ...Now then. Time to earn back some of that sweet, sweet gold!

With Nah

C Support

  • Nah: Hey, Tiki. There you are!
  • Tiki: Yes, Nah. Here I am.
  • Nah: Could you do me a favor?
  • Tiki: If I'm capable, then of course. What do you need?
  • Nah: I, er... I actually want you to tell me about something.
  • Tiki: What, specifically?
  • Nah: Well, about when you were young. A long, long, long time ago. People say you were alive back during the age of legends, right? Well, I'm curious about history. Manakete history, especially. How did our kind live back then?
  • Tiki: Ah, yes. You have manakete blood in your veins.
  • Nah: I do indeed.
  • Tiki: You have the blood, yet you are not a true member of the tribe.
  • Nah: B-but I'm just like you... Aren't I?
  • Tiki: Throughout my millennia of life in this world, every manakete has been of pure blood. ...Until you. You are unique -- the first of our kind to have a human father. I can tell you our history, though I doubt it would mean much to you now.
  • Nah: But that's not fair. I have the right to know, even if I'm not a full-blooded manakete!
  • Tiki: I don't mean it like that. You are a unique existence, the likes of which we have never known before. Our story may be difficult to you. ...Painful even. Are you sure you wish to hear it?
  • Nah: ...... Yes. Yes, I am!
  • Tiki: Then I shall tell you the tale someday. ...But not today.
  • Nah: I...I understand. Thank you, Tiki!

B Support

  • Nah: Tiki? I'm ready to hear the story now.
  • Tiki: Oh, yes. I did promise, didn't I? *Yawn* But I'm feeling very tired at the moment. Can it wait?
  • Nah: Er, okay. What about tomorrow?
  • Tiki: Yes, thank you. I'd appreciate that.
  • Nah: So do you snooze so much because you slept for thousands of years?
  • Tiki: ...I don't know. I suppose I do sleep a little more than most people.
  • Nah: You sure do.
  • Tiki: ......
  • Nah: Tiki?
  • Tiki: What is it, Nah? I thought we agreed to talk another day.
  • Nah: No, the history lesson can wait. It's just...there's something else.
  • Tiki: What is it?
  • Nah: When you turn into a dragon... Well, your jaws are bigger than mine.
  • Tiki: Er, yes. I suppose they are.
  • Nah: Why is that?
  • Tiki: It's because I am pure blooded. Manakete blood runs thick in my veins, and makes me look more...dragon-like.
  • Nah: Is that also why your fangs and claws are sharper than mine?
  • Tiki: That is a matter only of age. I have lived many, many more centuries than you. As dragons get older and become more powerful, our claws and fangs sharpen. It will be the same for you when you reach my age, though it will take millennia.
  • Nah: That'll be sweet... I see... So, why is your skin so much thicker and harder than mine?
  • Tiki: That comes from fighting in countless battles. The more times a dragon is struck by blows, the thicker and harder our hide becomes.
  • Nah: I see. That's useful! ...Thanks for explaining everything, Tiki.
  • Tiki: Not at all. Er, but would you mind leaving me now? I'm starting to feel drowsy.
  • Nah: Oh, of course. Sleep well, Tiki. See you again soon!
  • Tiki: Questions upon questions. I suppose I'll have to tell her soon...

A Support

  • Tiki: ...And that is how I became friends with the legendary King Marth.
  • Nah: So were you released from the ice?
  • Tiki: Oh, yes. After what seemed an eternity in that frozen prison. It was by Marth's hand alone that I was able to feel warmth once more. It was magic...
  • Nah: ...Tiki?
  • Tiki: Oh, listen to me! I sound like a sentimental old fool. It was such a long time ago...
  • Nah: Did you love him? King Marth, I mean?
  • Tiki: He was human. I was manakete. The gulf between us was too great.
  • Nah: ......
  • Tiki: But you'll never have that problem, will you? With your mixed blood, you can love anyone you like, human or manakete.
  • Nah: Yes, I suppose that's right!
  • Tiki: ...Hear me, Nah. Remember when I said I had to tell you something difficult? We manaketes are destined to suffer because of our love for humankind.
  • Nah: Destined to...suffer?
  • Tiki: We live for millennia, while humans flicker out like candles. The greatest friendship I ever knew lasted just a few short decades... And when King Marth died, I was left to wander the centuries alone.
  • Nah: ...I see. I have to be prepared to lose everyone I love.
  • Tiki: The dragon blood in your veins curses you to such a fate.
  • Nah: ...Wow. That's...depressing.
  • Tiki: it can be very sad, yes. But it can make you strong as well. You will learn to cherish the memories of those wonderful people you meet. You will make them a part of you so they can give you courage always.
  • Nah: Like a family inside your mind?
  • Tiki: Yes, exactly! You will be able to pass on the memories to your friends' children! And then to their children and to countless generations to come. In this way can you keep them alive through the long march of time.
  • Nah: ......
  • Tiki: Do you understand?
  • Nah: ...I think so.
  • Tiki: Never allow your fate to dissuade you from living a full, rewarding life, Nah. You must go out into the world and seek out friends. ...Seek out love. And when their end comes, as it will, you must keep them alive forever. You have the gift of near immortality, and you must find a way to share it. And what better time to start than now? Nah, let you and I be friends.
  • Nah: I'd like that. Thank you, Tiki.
  • Tiki: Now no more brooding on destiny. Next time we shall talk of joyful things.
  • Nah: That would be a nice change of pace!

With Morgan (Female) (Daughter)
