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Torrent Dance is a type B passive skill that appears exclusively in Fire Emblem Heroes. Torrent Dance boosts the Resistance of any ally the unit refreshes with their performing art.

Torrent Dance is learned without inheritance by Azura (Young Songstress). However, three evolutions of the skill exist, branching from Torrent Dance 1: Micaiah (Summer Dawn)'s Fireflood Dance, Shigure (Dark Sky Singer)'s Geyser Dance, and Sylvia's Deluge Dance.


Name Activation SP
FEH Torrent Dance 1Torrent Dance 1 100% 50
Effects If Sing or Dance is used, grants Res+3 to target.
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Name Activation SP
FEH Torrent Dance 2Torrent Dance 2 100% 100
Effects If Sing or Dance is used, grants Res+4 to target.
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Name Activation SP
FEH Torrent Dance 3Torrent Dance 3 100% 200
Effects If Sing or Dance is used, grants Res+5 to target.
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  • While released in September 2017, Torrent Dance 2 & 3 were first made accessible with the release of Azura (Young Songstress) in November 2018.