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“I am a dökkálfr from the realm of dark dreams...the dreams you wish to forget on waking. I am Triandra. I am Nightmare.”
—Triandra, Book IV, Chapter 2

Triandra is a character from Book IV of Fire Emblem Heroes. She is a Dökkálfr from Dökkálfheimr.


Triandra, as said in her profile, is a cold and distant young dökkálfr. She has devoted herself to the service of Freyja after she rescued her in the past.

Anna fates portrait
"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"

Before meeting Freyja, Triandra and her younger sister were badly mistreated by their father who barely fed them, made them dress in rags and did not allow them inside their house even in winter. Triandra did her best to protect her sister, and at some point murdered their evil father in order to save her life. She was found and made into a dökkálfr by Freyja some time later.

In Chapter 12 of Book IV, it's revealed that Triandra's sister is actually Peony. She laments how she wanted to protect her sister from their father before engaging the Order of Heroes one last time. The Order manages to deal Triandra a fatal blow, and she recalls the time she and Peony spent together before she dies.

At the end of Book IV Chapter 13, Freyja uses the last of her power to revive Triandra and Plumeria. Triandra and Plumeria then decide to find a way to revive Freyja from her slumber when they are approached by Líf and Thrasir for reasons yet unknown.

"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"


Contrary to her ljósálfr counterpart, Triandra is a pessimistic, deadpan dökkálfr who brings nightmares.

She is exceedingly loyal to Freyja, as even when she remembers her mortal life, she chooses to give her all for her sake.

Despite her status as a villain, Triandra has a strong moral compass, with a desire to do good. One of her stated motivations as a child was to save the world and protect everyone. During her New Years event appearance, she laments that nightmares are usually not welcome, and Peony responds to her concern by saying that nightmare powers can still be helpful.

Triandra also appears to possess an amount of self-loathing due to her past failures and the fact that she only brings suffering upon humans. She states that she does not believe she deserves kindness from others and that they would be right to despise her.


A dökkálfr from Dökkálfheimr, the realm of nightmares. Delivers terrible dreams to mortals. Cold and distant, she lives on without hope.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Heroes Flying Flying
FEH skill offense Flower of Sorrow
FEH skill support Dance
FEH Wind Tome Tome


FEH skill offenseWind---
Flower of Sorrow-FEH Star Rarity 5-
FEH skill supportDance---
Frightful Dream-FEH Star Rarity 5-
Frightful Dream+-FEH Star Rarity 5-
AFEH Atk Spd Push 1 Atk/Spd Push 1--
FEH Atk Spd Push 2 Atk/Spd Push 2FEH Atk Spd Push 1 Atk/Spd Push 1-
FEH Atk Spd Push 3 Atk/Spd Push 3FEH Atk Spd Push 2 Atk/Spd Push 2-
FEH Atk Spd Push 4 Atk/Spd Push 4FEH Atk Spd Push 3 Atk/Spd Push 3FEH Star Rarity 5
BFEH Aerobatics 1 Aerobatics 1--
FEH Aerobatics 2 Aerobatics 2FEH Aerobatics 1 Aerobatics 1-
FEH Aerobatics 3 Aerobatics 3FEH Aerobatics 2 Aerobatics 2FEH Star Rarity 5
FEH Firestorm Dance 1 Firestorm Dance 1--
FEH Firestorm Dance 2 Firestorm Dance 2FEH Firestorm Dance 1 Firestorm Dance 1-
FEH Firestorm Dance 3 Firestorm Dance 3FEH Firestorm Dance 2 Firestorm Dance 2FEH Star Rarity 5
CFEH Spd Res Rein 1 Spd/Res Rein 1--
FEH Spd Res Rein 2 Spd/Res Rein 2FEH Spd Res Rein 1 Spd/Res Rein 1-
FEH Spd Res Rein 3 Spd/Res Rein 3FEH Spd Res Rein 2 Spd/Res Rein 2FEH Star Rarity 5


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]

Triandra is the fourth and final refreshing unit to come from the Book IV original characters, and much like the others, she immediately has powerful applications for teams. She is a Green Tome Dark Mythic Flier mostly suited for scoring on Aether Raids teams, but she can be used in other modes if needed where scoring is not affected by her Mythic status. Statwise, Triandra is offensively strong, sitting on neutral 37 Atk and 38 Spd. While she may not have the highest damage, both stats are strong enough to give her flexibility in being a supportive unit or a second string offensive unit. In exchange, she has low overall bulk at 16 Def and 22 Res, making her extremely fragile. While she may be another refresher, like the other Book IV dancers, her unique refreshing skill gives her a special niche.
Flower of Sorrow grants her an innate +3 Atk, bringing her total neutral Atk to 54. If she enters combat, she inflicts -4 Def/Res on all foes within the cardinal directions of her, not only setting up her foe so she can inflict more damage, but also weakening them so her allies can dispatch any that she cannot do herself.
Her unique dance, Frightful Dream, refreshes an ally that she uses on. When used, it also inflicts 【Guard】on foes within the four cardinal directions, slowing the charge of their specials while inflicting an additional -3 to their four core stats.
Atk/Spd Push grants her +7 Atk/Spd at the start of combat so long as her HP is at least 25%. After combat, she takes 5 points of non-lethal damage as recoil however. Aerobatics allows her to move to any adjacent tile next to an ally Infantry, Cavalry, or Armor within two spaces. Spd/Res Rein inflicts -4 Spd/Res to foes within two spaces of her during combat.


Triandra suffers from her low defenses which makes her especially vulnerable on her enemies turn where they can get the first strike on her. Bows are especially overkill as her innate weakness to them due to being a Flier means that any who gets the first strike on her is instantly going to kill her. Reds with strong magical bulk like Winter Tharja, Plumeria, and Flora can easily soak her damage and counter through color advantage.

Skill Inheritance[]

Triandra is only missing a Special skill, of which Glimmer is a decent consideration to take any visible buffs she may receive and turn them into further power.

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Nightmare Triandra
Triandra nightmare pop01 Triandra is a dökkálfr from Dökkálfheimr, the realm of nightmares. She's a loyal servant of the realm's queen, Freyja!
Triandra nightmare pop02 Triandra has the power to bring nightmares to mortals, and her cold and distant demeanor suits her role. She always approaches things from a pessimistic, gloomy perspective.
Triandra nightmare pop03 One day, however, the dark and brooding Triandra encountered Peony, a ljósálfr who has the power to deliver pleasant, happy dreams.
Triandra nightmare pop04 Triandra found herself feeling envy for Peony's happiness. Yet still, she continued to follow Freyja's orders and kept those feelings burning below the surface.
Closely Associated Characters
Freyja The queen of Dökkálfheimr, the nightmare realm. Her love for her brother Freyr drives her to wish she could stay with him no matter the cost.
Peony A ljósálfr from Ljósálfheimr, the realm of dreams. Delivers pleasant dreams to mortals. Both sincere and positive, she enjoys playing with children. She and Triandra are closer than first thought.

Sunlit Nightmare
One of the dökkálfar of Dökkálfheimr. What will the spring festival hold in store for this girl who once lost all hope?

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Triandra Sunlit Nightmare Heroes spriteTitle
Sunlit Nightmare
Heroes Flying Flying
FEH skill offense Nightmare's Egg
FEH skill support Dance
FEH Colorless Tome Tome


FEH skill offenseStone---
Nightmare's Egg-FEH Star Rarity 5-
FEH skill supportDance---
Frightful Dream-FEH Star Rarity 5-
BFEH Blaze Dance 1 Blaze Dance 1--
FEH Firestorm Dance 1 Firestorm Dance 1FEH Blaze Dance 1 Blaze Dance 1-
FEH Firestorm Dance 2 Firestorm Dance 2FEH Firestorm Dance 1 Firestorm Dance 1-
FEH Firestorm Dance 3 Firestorm Dance 3FEH Firestorm Dance 2 Firestorm Dance 2FEH Star Rarity 5
CFEH Def Res Rein 1 Def/Res Rein 1--
FEH Def Res Rein 2 Def/Res Rein 2FEH Def Res Rein 1 Def/Res Rein 1-
FEH Def Res Rein 3 Def/Res Rein 3FEH Def Res Rein 2 Def/Res Rein 2-
FEH Def Res Hold Def/Res HoldFEH Def Res Rein 3 Def/Res Rein 3FEH Star Rarity 5


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]
Skill Inheritance[]

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Sunlit Nightmare Triandra
Triandra sunlit nightmare pop01 Triandra is a dökkálfr from Dökkálfheimr. She's known for visiting nightmares upon people, but now it looks like she's going to be bringing them sweet dreams for the spring festival!
Triandra sunlit nightmare pop02 Here she is wearing her adorable festival outfit, featuring the classic bunny theme. Aren't her bunny ears cute?!
Triandra sunlit nightmare pop03 She's also carrying a colorful festival egg. I can't wait to find out what's inside!
Triandra sunlit nightmare pop04 You know, I hear that Triandra's queen, Freyja, will also be coming to the spring festival. I hope they have a memorable time in Askr together!
Closely Associated Characters
Freyja The queen of Dökkálfheimr, the nightmare realm. Her love for her brother Freyr drives her to wish she could stay with him no matter the cost. Triandra's liege.
Peony A ljósálfr from Ljósálfheimr, the realm of dreams. Delivers pleasant dreams to mortals. Both sincere and positive, she enjoys playing with children. She and Triandra are closer than first thought.

Reverent Dream
A dökkálfr from Dökkálfheimr, the realm of nightmares. Delivers terrible dreams to mortals. Her connection with Peony has awakened a new power.

Base Stats[]

Rarity: ✯✯✯✯✯

Triandra Reverent Dream Heroes spriteTitle
Reverent Dream
Heroes Flying Flying
FEH skill offense Flower of Tribute
FEH skill support Dance
FEH Sword Sword


FEH skill offenseIron Sword---
Steel Sword---
Silver Sword---
Flower of Tribute-FEH Star Rarity 5FEH Star Rarity 5
FEH skill supportDance---
Harrowing Dream--FEH Star Rarity 5
AFEH Atk Spd Clash 1 Atk Spd Clash 1--
FEH Atk Spd Clash 2 Atk Spd Clash 2FEH Atk Spd Clash 1 Atk Spd Clash 1-
FEH Atk Spd Clash 3 Atk Spd Clash 3FEH Atk Spd Clash 2 Atk Spd Clash 2-
FEH Atk Spd Clash 4 Atk Spd Clash 4FEH Atk Spd Clash 3 Atk Spd Clash 3FEH Star Rarity 5
BFEH Flow Refresh 1 Flow Refresh 1--
FEH Flow Refresh 2 Flow Refresh 2FEH Flow Refresh 1 Flow Refresh 1-
FEH Flow Refresh 3 Flow Refresh 3FEH Flow Refresh 2 Flow Refresh 2-
FEH Flow Refresh 4 Flow Refresh 4FEH Flow Refresh 3 Flow Refresh 3FEH Star Rarity 5
CFEH Spd Def Rein 1 Spd Def Rein 1--
FEH Spd Def Rein 2 Spd Def Rein 2FEH Spd Def Rein 1 Spd Def Rein 1-
FEH Spd Def Rein 3 Spd Def Rein 3FEH Spd Def Rein 2 Spd Def Rein 2-
FEH Spd Def Hold Spd Def HoldFEH Spd Def Rein 3 Spd Def Rein 3FEH Star Rarity 5
XFEH Death Blow Echo Death Blow Echo-FEH Star Rarity 5


Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Base Set[]
Skill Inheritance[]

Meet Some of the Heroes[]

Reverent Dream Triandra
Triandra reverent dream pop01 Triandra is a dökkálfr who brings people nightmares. She's a loyal servant of Freyja, Dökkálfheimr's queen, and now she's gained new power!
Triandra reverent dream pop02 After Freyja fell into a long sleep, Triandra set out to find a way to awaken her. And during this journey, she somehow wandered into Freyja's dream!
Triandra reverent dream pop03 There, Ginnungagap, the ruler of nothingness, was aiming to do away with Freyja from the shadows. But Triandra encountered Peony once again, and the two fought back against this cunning foe!
Triandra reverent dream pop04 During the battle, Triandra was granted a powerful new weapon by Eitr. With the Flower of Tribute in hand, I'll bet she can send the nothingness back to wherever it came from!
Closely Associated Characters
Freyja The queen of Dökkálfheimr, the nightmare realm. Her love for her brother Freyr drives her to wish she could stay with him no matter the cost. Triandra's liege.
Peony A ljósálfr from Ljósálfheimr, the realm of dreams. Delivers pleasant dreams to mortals. Both sincere and positive, she enjoys playing with children. She and Triandra are closer than first thought.


Triandra/Heroes Quotes

Non-Canon Appearances[]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[]

Triandra is illustrated in the trading card game Fire Emblem Cipher with the following cards:

Choose Your Legends Placement History[]

Round Placement Character Version Votes

CYL4 51 CYL Triandra Portrait
CYL5 115
CYL Triandra Portrait
CYL6 202
CYL Triandra Portrait
CYL7 188
CYL Triandra Portrait

CYL8 242
CYL Triandra Portrait


Triandra is a common species suffix name for various plants including Themeda triandra and Areca triandra. Scabiosa is a genus of flowering plant, commonly known as "pincushion flowers".


  • Triandra shares her English voice actress, Lexi Klein, with Selkie as she appears in Heroes.
  • Triandra is the only Book IV original character who appears in all three of its cinematic movies.
  • Triandra's refreshing animation lasts slightly longer than that of the other álfar due to the fact that she poses at the end.
  • According to the Fire Emblem Heroes Character Illustrations Vol. 2 book, Triandra stands at 175 cm (or about 5'9).
    • She shares this same height with Ótr.
Anna fates portrait
"Just a minute! The following section contains spoilers. Viewing it will cost a lot. Are you prepared to pay for it?"
  • In the Japanese version of Book IV's script, Triandra's father is stated to actually be her stepfather, and according to Freyja, physically abused his step-daughters along with his poor treatment of them.
"End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!"


See main article: Triandra/Gallery.