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Victoria von Hrym is a character mentioned in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.


Victoria is mentioned in a piece of an old note found in the Adrestian Empire army's camp. She was originally the daughter of the Count Varley of her day, but married into House Hrym, as it had no Crest-bearing heir. Despite her older brother also bearing a Crest and becoming the legitimized heir to House Varley, Victoria was rumored to become the next Minister of Religious Affairs thanks to a secret pact Count Varley had made with the previous emperor.

During the Southern Church's uprising against the Central Church, the Southern Church-affiliated Crimson Knights pressed for Count Varley to be placed under house arrest and for Victoria to be recognized as the Minister of Religious Affairs, in response to the count reneging on his deal after the emperor fell ill and died. Victoria, using her ties to House Hrym, was revealed to have conspired with the Southern Church's bishop to cause the schism. In response, the next emperor moved to exile the bishop and dismantle the Southern Church entirely, which also caused a rift between Adrestia and the Central Church.

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