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White Clouds

Guardian Moon

Where the Goddess Dwells


Guardian Moon

Long ago, the guardian Seiros made an appearance during this moon. She had been summoned by the goddess, whose soul was suffering as the flames of war raged across Fódlan. Some believe that high in the sky above Seiros, the Immaculate One's mighty wings are what powered the strong winds carrying the guardian and her forces into battle.

Event: The Enemy

Blue Lions route

Outer City Wall | Evening

  • Sothis: What are you going at this hour? Ooh, I know... You are eavesdropping! I must admit that I approve.

(Byleth joins Dimitri)

  • Dimitri: Professor? We must remain quiet...
  • Sothis: I see... The Flame Emperor and Monica...and the mage who rescued Monica.
  • Byleth:
    • Choice 1: It's time for revenge. (Relationship with Dimitri up)
    • Choice 2: What is that guy's name?
  • Dimitri:
    • Choice 1 response: Not yet, Professor.
    • Choice 2 response: I don't know, but if we keep listening, we might be able to find out.
  • Sothis: An unexpected change to hear their plans! Patience, patience!
  • Monica: Oh, thank you. You saved me!
  • Thales: If you were to die, then the mystery of our bodies would be revealed. Preventing that was my only aim. I'm afraid you must remain, Kronya. There is something I need you to do.
  • Monica: Oh, of course. I am always happy to cooperate with Solon. Leave it to me.
  • Flame Emperor: How annoying.
  • Thales: Flame Emperor... Is she offending you? Unfortunately, we cannot take our eyes off her, so there is nothing to be done. You are our greatest creation. We used the defiled beast's blood as the fuel to your flame, that you may burn even the gods. Now is the time to cleanse Fódlan of that power, and bring forth our salvation.
  • Flame Emperor: There will be no salvation for you and your kind. Those responsible for such gruesome deeds in Duscur and Enbarr.
  • Thales: All so that you may acquire the strength you need. All for a purpose...
  • Dimitri: I've got you... Finally...
  • Byleth:
    • Choice 1: Wait.
    • Choice 2: Don't go out there.
    • Choice 3: Let's keep listening.
  • Dimitri: If we don't act now, we'll miss our chance!
  • Flame Emperor: (turning) Hmm...

(Blackout. Sword swipes)

  • Thales: Hmph. Even if someone has overhead us, there is nothing they can do. There have always been rats in the walls, and there always will be.
  • Flame Emperor: ...

(Thales, Monica and the Flame Emperor disappear. Dimitri and Byleth run over. Image of a knife.)

  • Dimitri: No... The dagger...
  • Byleth:
    • Choice 1: What's wrong?
    • Choice 2: What about the dagger?
  • Dimitri: Never mind. It couldn't possibly be so. Professor, those are the ones we must destroy. They're the bastards who killed my family and Jeralt. For now, let's return to the monastery and regroup. As for the Flame Emperor's dagger...I'll hold on to it for the time being.

(Byleth nods)

Event: A Form of Grief

Golden Deer route



  • Sothis: If you must weep, then weep. I shall be here for you.
  • Byleth:
    • Choice 1: Thank you.
    • Choice 2: That won't be necessary.
  • Sothis:
    • Choice 1: Well, it would be ridiculous not to feel anything after something like that. Go on and let it out. I am here. (Blackout)
    • Choice 2: Are you already past it? You are unflappable. I will give you that much. In that case, I will remain silently supportive. You are right that we must keep moving ever onward.


Other routes

How terrible...

  • Edelgard: What happened to Jeralt... It's terrible. If there's anything I can do, simply ask. Even if what you desire is revenge...I'll gladly lend you my power. We can't let them get away with this.


Blue Lions route

Your enemies are my enemies.

  • Dimitri: Professor! Welcome back... I was... We all were... (sighs) You've been on our minds. Know that your enemies are my enemies. I will do all I can to help you find justice. There is no one else I can... My strength is yours alone. I will fight as you command... I will kill anyone should you ask it of me.



Ferdinand and Petra

Ferdinand: It's just a thought.

Petra: This is an impossible thing...

  • Petra: Professor, please lend us your ears. Ferdinand is saying impossible things.
  • Ferdinand: I do not see what is impossible about it. All I said was that if you want to go back to Brigid, you probably can. You are...the Empire's guest, so to speak. They cannot afford for something bad to happen to you. There would be a diplomatic incident. Someone close to us has turned up dead, so one could argue that you're not safe here anymore.
  • Petra: You were already told! I am learning here, from the academy. What are you thinking, Professor?
  • Byleth:
    • Choice 1: You do not have to leave if you do not wish it. (Relationship with Petra up)
    • Choice 2: You may return home if you please. (Relationship with Ferdinand up)
  • Petra: I am not returning to home until I have grabbed my goal! I will not be listening to the words of Ferdinand.
  • Ferdinand: No, look, I did not mean to pressure you. Apologies for the misunderstanding.



I gotta get stronger!

  • Caspar: I'm not even close to being strong enough. I mean, Jeralt was so much stronger than me, but even he... That's enough. I can't dwell on the past. There's no way to know what my future holds but I do know one thing. Whatever happens, I have to make my own way in this world. I have to keep pushing so I can grow even stronger!




Felix and Sylvain

Felix: What do you think?

Sylvain: Dark expressions don't suit you, Professor.

  • Sylvain: Dark expressions don't suit you, Professor. But I'm... Well, I'm glad to see you out in the world again. It seems this month will be a quiet one around here. There aren't many knights around to liven things up.
  • Felix: Most of the knights are gone, seeking out the enemy.
  • Sylvain: Isn't that a bit much? I agree it's important, but is it a good idea to neglect the safety of the monastery?
  • Felix: What do you think, Professor?
  • Byleth:
    • Choice 1: It would be a shame if we were invaded. (Relationship with Felix up)
      • Felix: I agree. We can send some knights after our enemies, but so many? It makes the church seem reckless.
    • Choice 2: You're worrying too much.
      • Sylvain: Hopefully the knights finish their business and hurry back. I wouldn't mind having a few extra lances around.






Just give the word...

  • Lorenz: There is no one here who has not heard tales of Jeralt's valor. We have suffered a most dear loss. I do not know what the enemy's aim was, but I do know this–after what they have done, we cannot suffer them to live. If there is anything I can do to ensure that justice is brought swiftly, you need only give the word.


When things get tough...

  • Raphael: You've gotta keep yourself active during tough times, Professor. Even if it seems impossible. That's how I got through when I lost my parents. If you need help with anything, just come and see me. Eating and training are my specialties.




Dear Goddess...

  • Marianne: I'll say a prayer for Jeralt's soul. There's not much else I can do...


I'm worried.

  • Hilda: Professor, it seems like you're holding up OK, but... I'm worried about Leonie. She really loved Jeralt. I hope she can bounce back...












Student in Blue Lions Classroom

I'm worried...

  • Student: Um, Professor? Do you think we'll still be able to graduate? If dangerous things keep happening around here, who even knows... I'm worried. I hope that all the students and professors will be there to celebrate at the graduation ceremony...


