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Winter's Envoy is the sixteenth paralogue of Fire Emblem Heroes.

The names of the three parts of this paralogue are Get Those Gifts!, Tinsel Tussle, and If You're Good...

Part 1: Get Those Gifts![]

Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
Paralogue 16 Pt 1
Enemy pos
FEH Sword
Enemy pos
Portrait Chrom Winter's Envoy
Enemy pos
Portrait Lissa Winter's Envoy
Enemy pos
FEH Lance
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Chrom (Gifted Leader), Lissa (Pure Joy), an Emblian Sword Knight, and an Emblian Lance Knight.

Part 2: Tinsel Tussle[]

Paralogue 16 Pt 2
Enemy pos
Portrait Tharja Winter's Envoy
Enemy pos
Portrait Robin Winter's Envoy
Enemy pos
Enemy pos
FEH Sword
Ally pos Ally pos Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Robin (Festive Tactician), Tharja (“Normal Girl”), an Emblian Sword Knight, and an Emblian Axe Knight.

Part 3: If You're Good...[]

Paralogue 16 Pt 3
Enemy pos
Portrait Chrom Winter's Envoy
Enemy pos
Portrait Lissa Winter's Envoy
Enemy pos
Portrait Tharja Winter's Envoy
Enemy pos
Portrait Robin Winter's Envoy
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Chrom (Gifted Leader), Robin (Festive Tactician), Lissa (Pure Joy), and Tharja (“Normal Girl”).


  • This paralogue takes place in the World of Awakening and is based on Christmas.
  • Chrom, Robin, Lissa, and Tharja all appear as armored units and in special Christmas outfits. They also use a sack of gifts, a Christmas tree, a bell, and a candle as non-standardized weapons.
    • Winter Tharja is also the second special hero to use a candle as her non-standardized weapon, the first special hero being Bride Lyn.