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World of the Past is the second and chronologically, the sixth chapter of Book VII of Fire Emblem Heroes.

The five parts of this chapter are Back in Time, Same Place, New Time, Two Divine Weapons, Soon Parting, and My Name.

Part 1: Back in Time[]

Secret Book (Artwork)
Subjective: The following part of this article is based upon the editor's personal experiences and opinions, and therefore may not be applicable for all readers.
FEH Book VII Ch 2 Pt 1
Enemy pos
FEH Green Dagger Icon
Enemy pos
FEH Staff
Enemy pos
FEH Thunder Tome
Enemy pos
Portrait Felix Heroes
Ally pos Ally pos Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Felix, a Blue Flier, a Green Thief, and a Cleric.

Part 2: Same Place, New Time[]

FEH Book VII Ch 2 Pt 2
Enemy pos
Portrait Felix Heroes
Enemy pos
FEH Thunder Tome
Enemy pos
FEH Lance
Enemy pos
Portrait Sylvain Heroes
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Sylvain, Felix, a Lance Knight, and a Blue Mage.

Part 3: Two Divine Weapons[]

FEH Book VII Ch 2 Pt 3
Enemy pos
Enemy pos
Enemy pos
Portrait Ingrid Beacon of Honor Heroes
Enemy pos
FEH Sword
Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Ingrid (Beacon of Honor), a Sword Dragon, an Axe Cavalier, and a Bow Cavalier.

Part 4: Soon Parting[]

FEH Book VII Ch 2 Pt 4
Enemy pos
FEH Fire Breath
Enemy pos
Portrait Rhea Heroes
Enemy pos
FEH Thunder Breath
Enemy pos
FEH Staff
Ally pos Ally pos
Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Rhea, a Cleric, a Blue Fáfnir, and a Red Manakete.

Part 5: My Name[]

FEH Book VII Ch 2 Pt 5
Enemy pos
Portrait Sylvain Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Rhea Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Felix Heroes
Enemy pos
Portrait Ingrid Beacon of Honor Heroes
Ally pos Ally pos Ally pos Ally pos

You will have 4 units on your team. You will also have 4 opponents: Ingrid (Beacon of Honor), Rhea, Felix, and Sylvain.


  • The music playing in this chapter is Fódlan Winds from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
    • This marks the second time in Fire Emblem Heroes that music from a previous chapter is reused in another chapter.