聖火降魔錄 Wiki

“It would honor me to have a part in giving her justice! Although all I can do is dance... And I’m not so skilled at that, if we’re being honest.”
—Olivia in Chapter 11

奧利薇(Olivia、オリヴィエ)是以下遊戲中可使用的角色:聖火降魔錄 覺醒聖火降魔錄英雄雲集

資料[ | ]

Olivia is a dancer who travels across the continent in a theatre troupe. In the past during one of Olivia's performances, a noble man was smitten by her and plotted to kidnap and marry her. However, Basilio stepped in and prevented this and Olivia has been grateful to him ever since. She can have a son named 拉茲沃德, provided she does marry. She will also be 露琪娜's mother if she marries Chrom, or Morgan's mother if she marries the 魯弗萊.

Olivia first appears in Chapter 10 after Chrom and company successfully defeat Mustafa and leads them back to Ferox. Before the battle Olivia encounters Mustafa. Even though he finds out that she is there to help Chrom and his army, he decides to let her go. After Mustafa falls, Olivia arrives on the scene to escort the Shepherds to the carriages back to Ferox. At Ferox, after Chrom finds his new resolve to fight Gangrel, Olivia volunteers to aid his cause by dancing for them. Basilio notes that her dances invigorates the spirits of troops, causing them to work twice as hard. Chrom happily accepts Olivia's offers and she joins Chrom in his final battle with Gangrel, and his future adventures.

If Chrom decides to marry Olivia at the end of the Chapter 11, she becomes his wife during the two years between Chapter 11 and Chapter 12, thus making her the queen of Ylisse. During those two years, she also will give birth to a daughter named 露琪娜. At the end of Chapter 13, Olivia will be weeping as Chrom talks to "Marth". After the two talk, Chrom tells Olivia about their future child, Lucina. Then discovering that "Marth" is really a future version of Lucina and the two share a tender moment.

After the war, if she is unmarried, Olivia's stage fright never faded, but her dances accompanied with her shy blush became legendary as she traveled throughout the world.

In Paralogue 6, Olivia joins the Shepherds when they go to help quell some bandits terrorizing a few villages near the Great Gate. Upon arrival, Olivia comes into contact with a young boy who had been helping to fight off the bandits. The boy, 拉茲沃德, is surprised by her sudden appearance which equally surprises her. Though the boy brushes her off, Olivia notices that Inigo seemed to be just as shy as her, making it easier for her to talk to him. After the battle, Inigo approaches her again and calls her by name, even though Olivia does not remember ever encountering him. Though Inigo has a hard time explaining it to her, after showing her the ring on his hand, Olivia realizes that Inigo is her future son. After slipping a comment that he is aspiring to be a dancer, Olivia shows great interest in his skills, but he is too embarrassed to show her. Likewise Olivia is too embarrassed to show him her dancing, but nevertheless, is happy to meet her future son.

個性[ | ]

Olivia is extremely shy and withdrawn, but a dancing genius with many fans across the lands. She states to 庫洛武 that she is only good at dancing, which even then, she feels she is inadequate in doing, mostly due to her stage fright. She can summon more of her strength than usual for the sake of others, being judgemental and pushy in the process. Her dream is to open her own theatre. She is the best singer in the army. Her birthday is August 20.

遊戲中[ | ]

聖火降魔錄英雄雲集[ | ]

奧利薇(劍)[ | ]

敘述[ | ]
Blushing Beauty
A dancer who travels widely and is quite gifted, despite extreme shyness登場作品:Fire Emblem Awakening.
基礎數據[ | ]


Title Group
Blushing Beauty Heroes Infantry 步行
Level HP 攻擊 速度 防守 魔防
1 15 10 5 3 2
技能 武器

FEH skill offense 鐵劍

FEH Sword





技能[ | ]
武器[ | ]
名稱 花費SP 威力 射程 效果 稀有度
FEH skill offense鐵劍 - 6 1 -
FEH skill offense鋼劍 100 8 1 - ✯✯
FEH skill offense銀劍 200 11 1 - ✯✯✯
FEH skill offenseSilver Sword+ 300 15 1 - ✯✯✯✯✯
輔助[ | ]
名稱 花費SP 效果 稀有度
FEH skill support 起舞 150 讓指定目標進入可行動的狀態,無法使用在擁有歌唱、起舞的目標上。 ✯✯✯
被動[ | ]
名稱 花費SP 效果 稀有度
FEH Knock Back Knock Back 150 If unit initiates attack, foe is moved 1 space away after combat. ✯✯✯
FEH Hone Atk 1 攻擊鼓舞1 50 Grants adjacent allies Atk+2 through their next actions at the start of each turn.
FEH Hone Atk 2 攻擊鼓舞2 100 (需要先學習:

Hone Atk 1)

回合開始時,周圍1格內我方的攻擊+3(1回合) ✯✯
FEH Hone Atk 3 攻擊鼓舞3 200 (需要先學習:

Hone Atk 2)

回合開始時,周圍1格內我方的攻擊+4(1回合) ✯✯✯✯

奧利薇 (暗器)[ | ]

敘述[ | ]
Festival Dancer
A dancer who brings a smile to people's faces. She had appeared at a performing arts festival in Ylisse登場作品:Fire Emblem Awakening.
基礎數據[ | ]


Title Group
Festival Dancer Heroes Infantry 步行
Level HP 攻擊 速度 防守 魔防
1 16 15 8 3 4
技能 武器

FEH skill offenseDancer Fan+
FEH skill supportSing

FEH Dagger 暗器

技能[ | ]
武器[ | ]
名稱 花費SP 威力 射程 效果 稀有度
FEH skill offense鐵暗器 - 3 2 戰鬥後,敵人防守、魔防-3(直到敵人下次行動結束) -
FEH skill offense鋼斧 - 5 2 戰鬥後,敵人防守、魔防-3(直到敵人下次行動結束) -
FEH skill offenseDancer's Fan - 7 2 If unit initiates attack, adjacent allies recover 7 HP after combat. Also, enemy suffers Def\Res-5 after combat. -
FEH skill offenseDancer's Fan+ - 10 2 If unit initiates attack, adjacent allies recover 7 HP after combat. Also, enemy suffers Def\Res-5 after combat. -
輔助[ | ]
名稱 花費SP 效果 稀有度
FEH skill support Sing - 讓指定目標進入可行動的狀態,無法使用在擁有歌唱、起舞的目標上。 ✯✯✯
被動[ | ]
名稱 花費SP 效果 稀有度
FEH Distant Def 1Distant Def 1 60 If unit is attacked by foe using bow, daggers, magic, or staff, unit receives Def/Res+2 during combat.
FEH Distant Def 2Distant Def 2 120 (需要先學習:
Distant Def 1)
If unit is attacked by foe using bow, daggers, magic, or staff, unit receives Def/Res+4 during combat.
FEH Distant Def 3Distant Def 3 120 (需要先學習:
Distant Def 2)
If unit is attacked by foe using bow, daggers, magic, or staff, unit receives Def/Res+6 during combat.
FEH Blaze Dance 1 Blaze Dance 1 50 If Sing or Dance is used, targer also granted Atk+2.
FEH Blaze Dance 2 Blaze Dance 2 100 (需要先學習:
Blaze Dance 1)
If Sing or Dance is used, targer also granted Atk+3.
FEH Blaze Dance 3 Blaze Dance 3 200 (需要先學習:
Blaze Dance 2)
If Sing or Dance is used, target also granted Atk+4

聖火降魔錄 覺醒[ | ]

基礎數據[ | ]

Starting Class
FE13 Olivia Dancer Map SpriteDancer
Level HP Str Mag Skl 速度 Lck 防守 魔防 Mov
1 18 3 1 8 9 5+4 3 2 5
技能 武器 Starting Items

Luck+4Luck +4

SwordIconFE13 - D

Iron Sword FE13 Icon鐵劍
Concoction FE13 IconConcoction

進階數據[ | ]

HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res
75% 40% 25% 70% 70% 60% 25% 20%

Maximum Stat Modifiers[ | ]

Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res
0 0 +1 +1 0 -1 -1

Supports[ | ]

另參見: Olivia/Supports

Romantic Supports

Other Supports

  • The Avatar (Female)
  • Maribelle
  • Panne
  • 拉茲沃德
  • 露琪娜 (Only if Olivia is her mother)
  • Morgan (Only if Olivia is her mother)

Class Sets[ | ]

Class Sets
基礎職業 可能進化
FE13 Olivia Dancer Map SpriteDancer
FE13 Olivia Myrmidon Map SpriteMyrmidon
FE13 Olivia Swordmaster Map SpriteSwordmaster
FE13 Olivia Assassin Map SpriteAssassin
FE13 Olivia Pegasus Knight Map SpritePegasus Knight
FE13 Olivia Falcon Knight Map SpriteFalcon Knight
FE13 Olivia Dark Flier Map SpriteDark Flier
(Wedding Bouquet FE13Wedding Bouquet required)

總體[ | ]

Base Class[ | ]

Olivia is the only Dancer unit in the game and true to her class' defining traits, she is a dodging expert with high Speed, Skill, and Luck Growths. However, being extremely fragile and starting at level 1 on the final chapter of the first half of the game, Olivia will need to be handled with care for her recruitment chapter and for much initial level grinding. As long as she does not come into contact with the enemy, she can leave the offensive duties to the units that are more capable. Her utility skill Special Dance makes her dancing much more potent, as those she dances for gets stronger offensively and defensively for that turn on top of reinvigorating that unit. Her high speed, skill, and luck support boosts benefit her partner in a Pair Up.

Olivia could possibly be used offensively as a dancer, but she is built more as a support unit than an offensive one. However, once she is reclassed a couple of times, she can be a decent attacker. Despite this, her low movement can give her difficulties catching up with other units, though giving her Boots can remedy this.

Reclassing[ | ]

Olivia's two class options are the Myrmidon and Pegasus Knight lines. Overall, if you are looking for the best offensive Olivia, these two classes are great options to complement her high skill and speed.

As a Myrmidon-related class, Olivia's growths are similar to 隆克, though she has a slightly less chance for skill and speed growth than him, but her caps nearly match his point-for-point. Olivia can use this line to train her sword ranks or can potentially be one of her best permanent offensive class changes due to her high speed and skill growths in combination with a better Strength cap and an overall boost to all stat caps. Regardless of final class choice, Olivia can seize Astra, which fits nicely with her high skill cap, and even Vantage to possibly keep her alive when in a tight spot Health-wise. Swordfaire can be considered for some extra sword might. Lethality seems tempting, but the low chance of activation makes it very inconsistent. Pass is also worth considering to help her slip out of enemy crowding.

As a Pegasus Knight, Olivia grows similarly to Sumia, with the same growths in Skill and Speed. Olivia is a little weaker than 蒂亞莫 in Strength and Defense, but has more Skill and Speed. Regardless; Olivia is a very capable unit in her new Pegasi riding class, though her low defense growths makes her especially weak to 弓手s and warrants caution when facing such foes. However, the true benefit from this class comes from her ability to gain Galeforce as a Dark Flier, as it is both useful for her, and for her son 拉茲沃德 to inherit. However, should the player decide to keep her in these classes, Olivia as a Falcon Knight is highly recommended to bolster her strength stat more.

名言[ | ]

Awakening [ | ]

Olivia/Awakening Quote

Heroes[ | ]

Olivia/Heroes Quotes

可能結局[ | ]

Olivia - Shrinking Violet
Though she never overcame her stage fright, Olivia danced across the land, mending the scars of war. The flush in her cheeks remained a staple of her beauty.
Olivia and 庫洛武
After Grima's defeat, Chrom was officially welcomed as Ylisse's new exalt. Queen Olivia gave him a much-needed shoulder to lean on as she traveled the land, dancing and mending the scars of war.
Olivia and the 魯弗萊
Many wrote of Avatar's legendary exploits, but accounts of his origins and character varied. Scholars, poets, and bards agreed on one thing alone—he loved his wife, Olivia, above all else.
Olivia and 弗雷德里克
As Ylisse's new knight captain, Frederick took charge of keeping the peace and training new recruits. His wife Olivia's dances were said to keep his resolve strong and open the minds of his charges.
Olivia and 維沃爾
Virion returned home to Rosanne, where he was labeled a traitor and coward, or else ignored entirely. Over time, however, Olivia's dancing managed to bring him back into the populace's favor.
Olivia and 索爾
Stahl continued his service as an Ylissean knight and led crucial missions across the realm. Olivia spent years trying to get her husband to pay attention, but the two still built a fine life together.
Olivia and Vaike
Vaike returned to the streets that raised him and was welcomed as a hero and brother to all. Still, he was no match for his wife, Olivia, whose modest but mesmerizing dances made her more popular by far.
Olivia and Kellam
Though she never overcame her stage fright, Olivia danced across the land, mending the scars of war. Her husband's name has been lost to history.
Olivia and 隆克
Lon'qu returned to Regna Ferox and served as Basilio's right-hand man. When the West-Khan sent Olivia on errands across the globe, Lon'qu accompanied her without fail and ensured her safety.
Olivia and Ricken
While continuing to study magic, Ricken realized how childish some of his actions had been. Thanks to Olivia's dances, however, the years hence were full of joy and laughter.
Olivia and 蓋亞
Gaius never lost his sweet tooth, though he ultimately returned to less savory enterprises. His wife, Olivia, wandered down more than one dark alley just to make sure he was safe and sound.
Olivia and Gregor
After the war, Gregor briefly sank into a life of excess, but when he saw his wife dancing in the streets at night to make ends meet, he resumed work as a sellsword. ...Olivia was most grateful.
Olivia and Libra
Many an unfortunate child found joy in the small orphanage Libra and his wife built after the war. The children especially loved Olivia's vibrant dances, which often filled them with glee.
Olivia and 亨利
Henry settled down with Olivia and turned out to be a surprisingly good father. Their newborn son inherited both his father's grin and his mother's undying love for entertaining others.
Olivia and 多尼]
Donnel returned to his tiny village and built a happy life with his mother and his wife, Olivia. Their forgotten hamlet glowed during festivals, when Olivia's dancing warmed more than any fire.

正傳以外的登場[ | ]

Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)[ | ]

Olivia is illustrated in the trading card game with the following cards:

  • B01-083R
  • Invalid card number, see Template:CardLink/doc for more information.

語源[ | ]

"Olivia" was coined by William Shakespeare for a character in his comedy 'Twelfth Night' (1602). Shakespeare may have based it on Oliver, Oliva, or perhaps directly on the Latin word oliva, meaning "olive". Link

軼事[ | ]

  • Olivia came in 24th place for females in the Fire Emblem Heroes Choose Your Legends popularity poll. She had 5,889 votes.
  • In the Japanese version of her support with 多尼], she sings the tale of a raven prince and a heron princess whose homeland was destroyed by a fire.
  • Olivia shares her English voice actress, Karen Strassman, with 安娜, 風花 and Mozu.
    • She also shares her Japanese voice actress, Rei Matsuzaki, with Nah.
  • Olivia is the only unit in Awakening to have an exclusive skill. She is the only unit that can learn Special Dance, while any other skill can be passed down to Morgan via S-Supports..
  • One of Olivia's English dialogue soundclips contains her humming the level up jingle. It can be heard in her C Support with Maribelle, her C support with 維沃爾, and her C Support with 多尼].
  • In the Japanese version, the marriage confession scene flashback with 庫洛武 shown in the beginning of Chapter 12 is just their S support script, while in the localized editions of the game, there was a completely new set of dialogue instead.

圖片[ | ]

